Sunday, May 07, 2006

My reform.

I don't hate the blog anymore. Good work, Sterbenk.

I understand, through my own use, the importance of blogs in today's media environment. They provide a truly democratic news source that people can turn to, as well as offer a growing check on the mainstream media outlets. I watched the South Park Mohammed controversy get picked up by the bloggers, and transfer to the mainstream. That was proof enough for me.

What I still dislike is how democratic it can be. The vast size of the internet permits a wide array of opinions, some of which could be dead wrong all the time... like a KKK blog. With all of these varying opinions having no check on their integrity, anyone can simply interpret these blogs as fact and ignore the rest. By selective reading, you can form anopinion that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and feel completely right about it.

So I am neutral on blogs. That is a big step.

I will not keep this blog over the summer, as I will be cutting meat for most of it and won't have time.


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