Thursday, April 20, 2006

Catholics against the Catholic League!

I was born and raised Catholic. Although I am not the greatest practitione, I do try to adhere to some of the rules of Catholicism. Unfortunately, some of the rules in our catechism distinctly do not sit easy with me. I permit homosexuality, women should be priests as well, and birth control is especially important in underdeveloped countries. These are some of the reasons I cannot fully grasp Catholicism.

My beliefs aside, I am adamantly opposed to the Catholic League. It is currently led by the outspoken William Donohue. I ask Donohue to resign, or at least become a part of the Catholic hierarchy.

If you ask me, the idea of a "lobbying" group that exists seperate to the church is completely protestant. What seperates Catholicism from Christianity is the structure it was founded on. Priests below Bishops below Cardinals below the Pope below God himself. Catholics are supposed to look to their church for spiritual guidance more so than their own Bible.

The Catholic League was originally founded by a Jesuit, which is just fine. Now that it has passed into the hands of a "nobody," their separation is complete and harmful. This League undermines the authority of the Catholic church by acting pseudo-autonomously. If the church wants to correct the ailing American-Catholic population, it is their burden to do so... not the League's.

Today's Catholicism is taking a disturbing trend of removing secularism and intermingling with politics in America. Of course, history saw this coming as that is what the church did in Europe in a very major way up to the Reformation. I think that the Catholic League is aiding this. For instance, Donohue got on President Bush's case when his holiday cards didn't mention Christmas in particular. I am with John Kerry when I say that you can practice your beliefs without imposing them on others via the state.

So I would form a group called Catholics against the Catholic League, but that would make me a hypocrite. I'd rather get married and have nine children.


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